Starting Dusk Novemeber 29th
endinG on dawn the Dec. 1st
All are welcome to join us for the AMI Jamboree.
Operating Categories
Any rig or transmitter/receiver combos can be used except for the broadcast transmitters, which will have their own category.
Low power
Any rig with power output up to and including 30 watts AM. This would be your stock off the shelf rigs.
Med Power
Any rigs running up to 150 watts AM output. Amplifers helping, homebrew are included.
High Power
Stations running up to and including 375 Watts AM. Amplifers for help, homebrew etc.
Broadcast Transmitter
Any and all broadcast transmitters no matter power output. RX your choice of course.
Is this a contest? No
I like to call this an AM Rally or AM operating event. Promoting the use of AM, comradery and friendship.
Winner of each category will be posted on this website for the year. Also recieve a special certificate mailed to them.
All participating operators that turn in logs of 10 or more contacts will recieve an event certificate. Log atleast 2 Signature AMI Stations gets an addional “gold star” on your certificate.
Callsign – Name – QTH – Signal report – equipment. Don’t be afraid to have a nice am qso with the folks you meet. Sit back enjoy the event.
Social Media
I will be operating various pieces of gear at my qth. I operate a You Tube channel that will live stream/chat/record at times. Also a Facebook Page has been started for AMI. Feel free to chat it up.
Where to Operate
AM Window (preferably)
160 Meters – 1.885, 1.900, 1.945, 1.985
80 Meters – 3.870 to 3.890
40 Meters – 7.175, 7.290, 7.293, 7.295
20 Meters – 14.286 also upper end of 20
15 Meters – 21.285, 21.425
10 Meters – 29.000- 29.200
Note: You can operate anywhere in the phone bands. However, we want to bring in more people to AM not start a war with side banders so please be courteous to others.
Points are awarded as follows. 1 Point for each station worked on a specific band. 2 points for working a Signature AMI station.
Upload Your Logs
Below is the email form to upload your logs. Scanned paper logs are fine also. I will be doing this old school and going through the logs by hand. Below are a few options for logging. Excel – Google Sheets – PDF. The pdf will be editable in order to fill in the blanks so you can use it on your computer. All are prinable if you wish to do a manual log and then scan it to upload.
Downloadable loging forms are available below.